Two Reasons I am Sad

“Reality cannot be described in terms of being and nonbeing. Being and nonbeing are notions cerated by you, exactly like the notions of birth and death, coming and going. If your beloved one can no longer be seen, does not mean that from being she has become nonbeing. If you realize this truth about your beloved, you will suffer much less, and if you realize this truth about yourself, you will transcend your fear of dying, of nonbeing.”

Taming the Tiger Within
Thich Nhat Hanh

Transformation from life to death at times can come with excruciating pain. This can be often times be emotionally disturbing to love ones. Doctors, nurses, aids, and friends can give aid to all who suffer, the dying and the love ones of the dying. This work is praiseworthy and hopefully their goals are not disrupted. When life can no longer be seen, as Thich Nhat Hanh states, the funeral home businesses, friends and others take over to assure the love ones the deceased is still with them. I hold those who carry out this work in high esteem. This is one of the two reason the Sanctuary Hospice House situation saddens me.

The other reason is two investigators were sent to look into the work of some at the Sanctuary Hospice House using laws (Please take a look) that can convict Doctor Albert Schweitzer and Mother Teresa without having a trial.
Author: harold