Think Green

Well, my daughter-in-law has started a Keep It Green (I Think) business. Here is the Link. You must decide for yourself. Being a son of a tobacco farmer, I know a little about conservation, but that does not qualify me to explain this business. I invite you to visit this site and inquire if you can use their services.
Author: harold

Beliefnet: Who Does Allah Love?

Allah loves those who sacrifice their repose and arise in the depths of the night to glorify the word of their Lord; those who give in charity without making their identity public; ……………………….

-The Prophet Muhammad (SAW), as reported by Ahd’Allah bin Mas’ud
From “The Bounty of Allah.” Hadith translated by Aneela Khalid Arshed. Copyright 1999. All rights reserved. Used with permission of The Crossroad Publishing Company, New York. 

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Author: harold